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books books books

books books books
I've had numerous travel and nature images published in over 50 books. Front covers include the travel book Botswana and the novel The Prince & the Pilgrim. However, most images have appeared inside the books and have been published via Alamy stock sales. They range from educational school books to books on flowers and trees, animals, travel, ecology, biology, environment, history and gardening. A few of the book covers are shown opposite. Some of the more unusual books that have featured my images are Richard Hamilton's books Great Mysteries of the World and Alien Encounters, Melanie Howard's Black Mambas and the Fleece & Fibre Source Book. More detailed information on the images used in these, and more, books can be found on my stock website
Contact Mike by e-mail at mike@mikecrawley.com or by telephone on +44(0)1923-670650